

April-July, 2007

French flag

Our third trip to Paris evolved into a trip to the part of France that is outside of Paris, la France profonde, if you will. or more simply: the provinces. We did, of course, spend most of our time in Paris but also made two major trips out of town.

The first trip was to say hello to our old friends Dinah and Mick. A kind of belated gift. We took a Eurostar (what else) from Paris, Gare du Nord to Lille and met up with them for a whirlwind tour of the city of Lille.

Our second excursion, also by TGV (train &aacc; grande vitesse), was to attend the wedding of Bertrand and Pascale in Port La Nouvelle, a few miles from Narbonne. We spent a very delightful few days catching up with the French side of Jan's family: three cousins and their offspring, of whom Bertrand is one.

This Page is a place holder for a future description of what we visited and saw. We'll also add some photographs.


Month, 2008