ontact ChandlerBates


temporary email address

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Istanbul - Golden Horm
next Enjoying the sun, Istanbul - Golden Horn next

If you want to contact us and don't know our direct email address please please email us at sawYourWebsite@chandlerbates.net We'll respond as soon as possible and then you'll know our direct email address.

Because this is a world of spam we prefer not to make publicly available our email address. We get about 25 spam emails each day for each legitimate email. After spammers learn about "sawYourWebsite" we'll change it to something else. So don't bother putting it in your address book.

What about Snail Mail?

If you happen to know any of the addresses we use, don't use them! We do have street/house addresses. We need them for legal and administrative purposes, such as tax returns and credit card accounts. But we do everything possible, expecially our finances, via the internet. No paper trail for us!

Don't send ordinary mail expecting any answer! As this site should make clear, we don't stay in one place very long, and that means in particular at the address where snail mail arrives. We get our snail mail forwarded less than once a year! We don't have butler service and can't rely on other people having time to handle our mail.


Although the telephone was invented well before we started this trip we weren't using it for a long time. Then in January, 2007 we got mobile/cell/handy/GSM phones for convenience and safety in South Africa. We've largely had them since then, although there have been gaps. Now, generally speaking, when we arrive in a new country we get new SIM cards for our phones. In 2010 we did that for New Zealand, Belgium, and Austria; in Japan it was impossible on two counts: first you can't get a SIM unless you are resident and second our phones didn't work with Japanese systems. We get new SIMs in new countries because if we didn't we would pay international roaming charges and calls would cost about $1/minute.

The bottom line of this is that you can usually call us if you like on a cell phone. In addition, about half of the time we are in a house or apartment that has a fixed line. So that is available too. And..

There is Skype. Technology has, so to speak, caught up with us. In the last few years broadband internet has been available to us in the homes and apartments we stay in and even at the homes of visitors. We've actually learned how to do it. So try calling if you want. Ask for our Skype account.


May 7, 2009; October 8, 2010