pring Festival 2001


February, 2001

Chinese flag

Guangzhou to Xi Qiao Shan Thursday, Jan 25

We started the day slowly, packing and doing email and stuff and eating breakfast in our room. We had just finished packing around 10 o’clock when we heard the sound of drums and cymbals. We didn’t think much about it until the noise got louder and we left the room to investigate. In honor of the New Year, the manager had invited a group of lion dancers into the hotel to bless every floor. By the time we left the room, the dance was at the 6th floor where we joined the festivities. We met the hotel manager and petted the lions and took photos and had ours taken in turn. Then we went back up to the eighth floor and did the whole thing again, including having the lion come into our room to bless it.

This Page is a place holder for a future description of what we visited and saw. We'll also add some photographs.

Not yet written - 2008